Weekly Housing Trends View — Data Week February 13, 2021

Weekly Housing Trends View — Data Week February 13, 2021

Our research team releases regular monthly housing trends reports. These reports break down inventory metrics like the number of active listings and the pace of the market. In light of the developing COVID-19 situation affecting the industry, we want to give readers more timely updates on weekly housing trends. 

Generally, you can look forward to a Weekly Housing Trends View near the end of each week along with weekly coverage of our Housing Market Recovery Index and a weekly video update from our economists. Here’s what the housing market looked like over the last week.

As we move closer to the heart of home buying season, we’re starting to see some relatively promising signs in trends among sellers. While there are still fewer newly listed homes compared to a year ago, the share of newly listed homes is rising meaning that buyers are seeing more fresh listings relative to longer-for-sale homes. Unfortunately, the total number of homes for sale continues to decline meaning fewer overall options for buyers, causing prices to rise, homes to sell quickly, and buyers to show some signs of frustration. While buyer demand growth remains high, it slowed in the last week as some buyers are likely reevaluating their options in light of these tough housing market conditions. 

Weekly Housing Trends Key Findings

Key Findings:

  • Median listing prices grew at 12.9 percent over last year, notching the 27th consecutive week of double-digit price growth, easily double the rate we would see in a more normal housing environment. With home shoppers active and sellers still lacking, this upward pressure on prices is likely to remain. Still low mortgage rates in 2021 have helped offset the pain of higher prices, but mortgage rates are expected to rise later in the year, thus affordability is likely to become a top-of-mind consideration for buyers.  Tools like the mortgage calculator can help buyers understand what price and mortgage rate changes mean for their monthly payment.
  • New listings–a measure of sellers putting homes up for sale–continue to fall behind the year ago pace, registering 23 percent lower this week. After the upswing in newly listed homes at the end of 2020, new listings have tread a different path in 2021, with large and consistent declines. Despite early weakness, we expect to see new listings grow in March and April as they traditionally do heading into spring, and last year’s extraordinarily low new listings comparison point will mean year over year gains. One other potential bright spot for would-be homebuyers, new construction, which has risen at a year over year pace of 20% or more for the last few months, will provide additional for-sale inventory relief.
  • Total active inventory continues to decline, dropping 48 percent. With buyers active in the market and seller participation lagging, homes are selling quickly and the total number actively available for sale at any point in time continues to drop lower. In January as a whole, the number of for sale homes dropped below 600,000.
  • Time on market was 11 days faster than last year meaning that quick decisions are still the norm. On the plus side for today’s buyers, this means that the share of fresh listings on the market is slightly greater than it was at this time last year. On the downside, today’s for-sale homes won’t be for sale long, so buyers will need to act fast when they find a home that fits.

Data Summary

First 2 Weeks March 2020Week ending Jan 30Week ending Feb 6Week ending Feb 13
Median Listing Prices+4.5% YOY+13.5% YOY+12.9% YOY+12.9% YOY
New Listings +5% YOY-21% YOY-29% YOY-23% YOY
Total Listings -16% YOY-45% YOY-47% YOY-48% YOY
Time on Market4 days faster YOY10 days faster YOY10 days faster YOY11 days faster YOY

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